Featured Employer: Duke Energy

Duke Energy, a Fortune 150 company headquartered in Charlotte, N.C., is one of America’s largest energy holding companies. The company’s electric utilities serve 8.4 million customers in North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky, and collectively own 54,800 megawatts of energy capacity. Its natural gas utilities serve 1.7 million customers in North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Ohio and Kentucky. Duke Energy is executing an ambitious clean energy transition, keeping reliability, affordability and accessibility at the forefront as the company works toward net-zero methane emissions from its natural gas business by 2030 and net-zero carbon emissions from electricity generation by 2050. The company is investing in major electric grid upgrades and cleaner generation, including expanded energy storage, renewables, natural gas and nuclear.
Website: http://www.duke-energy.com
Industry: Utilities
Company size:
- 10,001+ employees
- 24,455 associated members LinkedIn members who’ve listed Duke Energy Corporation as their current workplace on their profile.
Headquarters: Charlotte, North Carolina
- Power generation
- Natural gas distribution
- Power delivery
- Commercial power
- Energy
- Utility
- Smart grid
- Renewable energy
- Solar power
- Wind power
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